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How to design educational buildings to help students learn

Written by superadmin | Oct 21, 2020 10:26:01 AM

How building design’s affect how kids learn

It is not uncommon for construction companies to brush over the planning stage of a building without considering it’s purpose and how the design will affect that purpose. School aged children are particularly susceptible to their performance and mood being influenced by their surroundings. From experience in the design and construction of educational facilities, we have put together the following explanations on how different aspects of a school building can determine how children learn in it.


Certain colours have more noticeable effects on a child’s learning than others. Brighter shades and eye catching designs have a positive impact on pre-teen’s learning whilst more subtle and mellow tones are better for highschoolers.

Temperature and airflow

Temperature and airflow were found to be the two most important aspects of a building that influences achievement and success in student learning. Temperatures that are too high can cause children to slow down, whilst stuffy air has the same effect. The simplest way to improve your students’ learning? Open a window.

Noise pollution

Avoiding noise pollution in schools gets more important as students get older, however all students no matter their age deserve to be afforded a peaceful learning environment. Avoiding noise is especially important when students need to concentrate deeply or are under testing conditions.

Room to move

Buildings alter the ability to learn within them by changing the behaviour of the people inside them. Keeping moving around and having space to stretch out is important for all student’s health and wellbeing. Large buildings with open spaces that students are encouraged to move through can ensure that students keep fresh, active minds and retain what they learn.

Natural light

It is no strange fact to us that natural light is essential to level of productivity. Studies have shown consistently that easy access to sunlight affects persons mood and state of mind, making them happier, more active and productive no matter what their age.


Having a school designed in a friendly and open way with open spaces and large windows creates a welcoming feel to those inside and out. It also allows people from the community to easily witness resources and activity within the school which is important especially for parents who enjoy seeing where their children learn.

If you are interested in building an educational or recreational structure you can download a brochure or request an online quotation here.