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What’s The Difference Between RHS and C-Section Columns?

Written by superadmin | Feb 13, 2019 9:31:17 AM

Sheds are built from different kinds of steel columns, each with their benefits and disadvantages.

C-Section Columns: Weaker & Cheaper

‘C-Section’ refers to the shape of the steel, which has three sides and forms a “C” shape. This form of column is weaker than others, though also results in a cheaper project cost.

Because of the known difficulties that arise from C-Section (including load stress, high winds and construction problem), we always suggest avoiding this option.

RHS Columns: Stronger & More Costly. 

RHS (whichs stands for Rectangular Hollow Section) is a fully enclosed steel column with four sides. The is also thicker than C-Section, giving it much more structural strength.

Building a shed with RHS means the shed will last longer, will withstand heavier loads and stresses, and can be built onto if you decide to extend.