Central articles

Why should you own a yard cover?

Written by Central author | Jul 23, 2020 8:08:34 AM

Why Should You Own a Yard Cover?

Yard Covers are a valuable asset for stock owners, not only making it easier to work with cattle but also improves the animal’s welfare. If you are weighing up the pros and cons of building a yard cover over your cattle yards keep reading, we will give you an accurate overview of the benefits of having a yard cover.

  • A yard cover allows the you flexibility and ease of working no matter the weather conditions.
  • High bay lights on the interior of the yard cover means that you can work after dark.
  • Working with stock under a yard cover has been proven to help keep livestock in a calmer state.
  • Animal welfare is considerably improved when working under a yard cover,  reducing cold or heat stress.
  • Sheep are significantly affected by cold stress and heat stress, pregnant ewes and lambs are the most at risk. Using a sheep yard cover is important to keep lamb mortality low.
  • Cattle also are significantly affected by heat and cold stress. A cows takes four times longer for their body temperature to cool down than to heat up. Heat and cold stress directly affects milk production and weight gain. 
  • Keeping stock in reduced stress environments help animal productivity and performance considerably.

If you are interested in constructing a yard cover or would like to find out more about how Central Steel Build can help you, click on the Request a Quote tab on this page.